пятница, 8 октября 2010 г.


Microsoft licenses dozens of patents from Access and Acacia, including some Palm inventions

Complete details on the deal are still a bit light, but it's just been revealed today that Microsoft has licensed a total of 74 patents from Acacia Research Corp. and Access Co. Ltd, some of which come from PalmSource, the software company spun off from Palm Inc. in 2003. While Microsoft itself isn't saying much on the matter beyond the usual formalities, Acacia CEO Paul Ryan says that the patents licensed by Microsoft are "foundational" in the smartphone market and, as The Wall Street Journal reports, they apparently include some of the very same patents that Acacia has sued other companies over, including Apple, RIM, Samsung and Motorola -- those specific patents concern things like email synchronization and "providing phone capabilities from personal computer devices." Guess that's one potential patent lawsuit you can mark off your list.

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